For current and future problems.
In our in-house research and development, we work on solutions. For current environmental issues. For sustainable drives. For special projects.CatFines. Small and treacherous.
Solutions for particularly small particles
The solution:
Special particularly fine filters.

By Fil-tec Rixen GmbH®

Air filters filter the exhaust gases emitted by ships. Liquids are used for this purpose, which wash the dirt particles out of the exhaust gases in the stack. In this way, fewer pollutants are released into the emitted air. But what happens to the remaining contaminated liquid? This is collected in large tanks until it can be offloaded at a port and disposed of at great expense. Transport and subsequent water treatment in wastewater treatment plants cost money.
Innovation for less scrubber water
Clean exhaust gases without effort
Filter elements for complex requirements.
For clean wastewater.
Gas filter: complex problem
Filtration of liquid gas.
The solution for new challenges:
Other particles. Other media. Other pressures.

By Fil-tec Rixen GmbH®

If cooling lubricants are used in chip-removing machines, the fluid is contaminated by the removed materials such as metal splinters or other particles. Since the cooling lubricants are directly fed back to the moving parts of the machine, they must have a special purity. Otherwise, the production parts could be impaired. Especially in the case of high-precision parts, this would be fatal. Contaminated cooling lubricants also lead to wear on the tools and the machine. This must not happen with large systems and specific tools.
Cooling lubricants: filtration in industry
Filtration for industrial use.
Filtration solutions. Suitable for maschines and plants.
Resistant and flexible to use.
